Shark cartilage treats & Shark cartilage health benefits 

Sharks don’t have bones. However, this doesn’t infer they are slimy or floppy. Their supporting system is made up of cartilage. Surprisingly, many health benefits have been found in shark cartilage treats.

Shark cartilage has also been purported to treat some medical conditions in not just your pet but also in humans. In this article, you are going to learn about shark cartilage treats and the benefits of shark cartilage. Keep reading!

Shark cartilage treats—Benefits 

It is used to make dog treats 

Some treats are made from shark cartilage. These shark cartilage treats are usually rich in calcium, glucosamine, and protein. These treats can be further divided into smaller pieces especially when you want to use them to reinforce positive actions in your dog as your train them. To put it succinctly, these high value dog treats are ideal for training that emphasizes rewards.

Furthermore, beyond just being treats for your pet, they can also solve joint or movement problems such as hip dysplasia and arthritis. Additionally, another quality of the shark cartilage treats is that they are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce joint swelling and possibly strengthen the immune system.

It is effective in treating osteoarthritis 

There is no sufficient evidence to back the claim that shark cartilage helps in treating osteoarthritis. However, some people in some quarters have reported using shark cartilage in combination with chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, and camphor have purportedly been shown to ameliorate the symptoms of arthritis when applied topically.

However, scientists have traced that ameliorating effects to camphor and not other ingredients as there are no studies to support the claim on skin absorption of shark cartilage.

PS. Inquire with your vet about the suitability of using a joint supplement and any particular suggestions for your pet.

It is used to treat some classes of cancer 

Some cancer treatments have included shark cartilage. However, it has not been discovered that shark cartilage or shark cartilage treats work well against cancer in humans or dogs.

The wise thing to do if you have cancer is to consult your doctor as soon as possible. Whether you suspect it’s cancer, a doctor is a right person to get more information and decide the best course of treatment for you. Don’t start using shark cartilage right away as using this product alone could result in serious (and even deadly) health issues.

Furthermore, there are claims that Kaposi sarcoma tumors may be reduced by shark cartilage. This claim remains unverified to this day.

It is used to treat psoriasis 

Shark cartilage may help those with plaque psoriasis feel better, according to preliminary research. However, if you have diabetes, avoid consuming shark cartilage. The warning is clear enough.

Consult your doctor before consuming shark cartilage if you use calcium supplements. This is because some medicines can interact with shark cartilage. Shark cartilage can also be expensive, and many patients have comparable outcomes from less expensive treatments.

Research is still ongoing to verify these claims. Currently, a particular shark cartilage extract known as AE-941, Neovastat may help with plaque psoriasis appearance and itchiness whether taken orally or applied topically, according to emerging studies.

This is all about shark cartilage treats and shark cartilage. We hope you learned a thing or two. Don’t forget to use the comment box!