Here’s how to choose leather lounges

Besides being visually appealing, there is something opulent and seductive about leather lounges when you are seated on them. 

Leather lounges can redefine the outlook of the interior of your house. Furthermore, they are quite durable, and with the proper care, they can last for decades and can even be passed from one generation to the next. 

However, you have heard so much about leather sofas, now it’s time to read them up. Remember, research is always essential before making a purchase. We have done the job for you already! All you have to do right now is to read this article to the end! 

Things you should consider 

Check the leather 

How can you tell the type of leather used in making leather lounges? It’s easy. First off, it’s important to know that the two primary varieties of genuine leather—top grain and bottom split—are divided during the tanning process

When choosing, always go for leather lounges made of grain leather instead of split leather. The split leather as you’ll notice is more bristle, unstable, and likely to stretch. On the other hand, grain leather tends to be much stronger and more stable. This type of leather is unsuited for furniture. Choose genuine top-grain leather, which includes full grain, corrected grain, and semi-corrected grain. 

Secondly, genuine leathers will never be flawless in appearance. It will always have grooves and unevenness on it. These are signs that it is truly of high grade. 

Check the style of the leather lounges 

Does the style satisfy your demands? 

Thing is, although leather lounges have a classic charm that is always in vogue, you must choose from a variety of models one that perfectly matches your home’s décor.

An example of a stylish leather sofa is the traditional Chesterfield which is currently enjoying a moment in the spotlight. This sofa can bring life to your room with its rustic charm especially when it is now paired with vintage-style rugs and antique décor. 

And, if your home already has a modern look, that’s good news already because you have a wide selection of leather lounges to choose from. 

Color is everything 

When it comes to choosing leather lounges for your living room, color is everything. This is because the moment someone walks into your room, the first thing their eyes go to is your sofa—the outlook and the arrangement. You should choose natural leather pigments or shades of cream, tan, or brown as these colors are neutral and can go with most existing styles and décor. 

Another excellent choice is black or charcoal-colored leather. This color can blend well with a range of color schemes and most design themes. 

A final note 

Leather lounges age well. Plus, they are easy to clean and maintain. How long they last are a product of well taken care of it. 

One way is by reading the care instructions provided with your sofa and following the instructions on how to apply a leather conditioner. The manual could instruct you to do it every four or six months. Stick to whatever it says. 

Never use soap, harsh cleansers, waxes, oils, or an excessive amount of water on the leather. This will only damage the material. 

Finally, never put your leather sofa close to a heat source such as a fireplace or even sunlight. Some leathers fade quickly when they are exposed to too much sunlight.